Leakage from seal faces is directed to a liquid collection system. A vessel with a high level alarm is provided for detection of excess leakage.
Questo rivoluzionario design è il risultato della più intensa ricerca Sealtek sui sistemi di tenuta, e costituisce la prima vera innovazione nel mercato delle tenute da molti anni. Fino ad ora, tutte le tenute meccaniche a cartuccia sono state disegnate con una bussola integrata.
Il design rivoluzionario della Style 600SL permette l’installazione su pompe dove era prima considerato impossibile montare una tenuta meccanica. Il design senza bussola permette inoltre una maggior tolleranza al disallineamento dell’albero.
La 600SL è la prima tenuta a cartuccia ad incorporare un’estensione conica della cassa stoppa, permettendole di migliorare sensibilmente la vita operativa della tenuta in applicazioni di slurry e fluidi carichi. Senza alcuna parte dentro la cassa stoppa, le particelle solide dei fluidi hanno spazio per circolare e non si depositano sulle facce di tenuta.
Questa tenuta è dotata di flangia con connessione per flussaggio e massicce facce di tenuta realizzate in materiali sinterizzati montati su elastomeri flessibili, che agiscono anche da assorbitori di shock, e offre la più grande affidabilità alle condizioni operative più severe.
La Style 600SL offre all’utilizzatore concreti benefici in termini di risparmio sull’acquisto della tenuta, dei pezzi di ricambio e sul fermo macchine.
Bladder accumulator of standard API682 sizes |
Pressure indicator |
Pressure switch / transmitter |
Temperature indicator |
Manual refill pump |
Water-cooled (Style 342), air-cooled (Style 343) or finned pipe heat exchanger |
Injectable packing compound made by virgin PTFE textured fibres and special inert lubricants for extremely high performance. Meets FDA requirements. Ideal for packing pumps and valves in food plants, pharmaceutical
Injectable packing compound designed for heavy duty applications of high temperature and pressure, made of 100% expanded pure graphite. Suitable for steam valves, boiler feed and hot oil pumps, etc.
Unique chemical resistant compound based on pure PTFE fibres and expanded PTFE pallets, mixed with special tixotropic lubricants. A great sealant achieving close to zero leakage conditions in packed pumps,
Rotary single API682 seal for clean fluids applications. Low (Style 701), medium (Style 702) and high (Style 703) pressure design rotary faces available. Available with floating or fixed throttle bushing.
Double rotary API682 seal for clean fluids applications. Low (Style 711), medium (Style 712) and high (Style 713) pressure design rotary faces available. Internal pumping ring for barrier fluid.
Single API682 seal, with single spring independent from rotation. Available with floating or fixed throttle bushing.
Multiple springs out of the fluid, and fretting-free dynamic O-ring working on the seal face. Style 750 API features the reliable and time-tested Style 550 design, with cartridge and sleeve
Double rotary API682 seal Multiple springs out of the fluid. Fretting-free dynamic O-ring working on the seal face.
Design based on Style 770 cartridge seal, belonging to Sealtek’s Modular System and successfully installed worldwide for more than 20 years. Stationary Springs Floating bushing
Double stationary API682 seal with multiple springs out of the fluid. Symmetric design maximizes the MTBF.
100% synthetic crystalline graphite fiber, impregnated with colloidal graphite on synthetic oil.
A 97% pure graphite packing reinforced with carbon fibers. Braided in the HCD® system and impregnated under vacuum with pure graphite particles and corrosion inhibitor. Extremely resilient and ductile, this
96% synthetic graphite fiber packing, manufactured in an exclusive braiding method with only the reinforcement of its corners, with 4% Inconel alloy. The flexible and resilient core is moade by
38% synthetic graphite fiber and 62% expanded graphite, impregnated with non-metallic corrosion inhibitor. Combining the adaptability of expanded graphite with th strenght of synthetic graphite fibers, this packing is recommended
40% carbographite fiber carrier and corners, 60% expanded graphite twisted ribbons, impregnated with non-metallic corrosion inhibitor.
100% PTFE braided with High Controlled Density method, impregnated with PTFE dispersion.
100% PTFE braided with High Controlled Density method, impregnated with food-grade lubricant. Braided in white clean room.
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